Tuesday, March 24, 2009

latihan guiding bwat bsk..

ney g maw latihan guiding yee d sini,secara jg wat g mengerti pa yg harus g bicarakan nanti paz g city saigh seeing tour..
g mulai yee..

good morning ladies n gentlemen..on behalf of oniechuayankmama tours n travel,iwish you all welcome to our jakarta glorius city sight seeing tour..allow me inroduce our driver in front of us..he is bapak moses n bapak robby as our co driver..and its geat pleasure to me to become your guide..i'm Ronny Leonardo Kaihatu or u may call me oNie for short..

well ladies n gentlemen our tour name is city saight seeing tour..from our hotel we go to TIM(Taman Ismail Marzuki)for lunch,trough the old church from the dutch time,and the name is chathedral..and surabaya flee n antique market..

ladies n gentlemen now we are at sudirman street..why the name sudirman??because it was taken from our first general in indonesia,sudirman..and he is one of independen heroes in indonesia..he was born on january 24th in 1916 in purbalingga central java..he wah died on january 29th in 1950 in magalang..he was grave at taman makam pahlawan semaki in jogjakarta..he wad died when he lead TNI(indonesia national heroes)and aganints to fough the dutch colonialism by the famous strategic "geurillas" in 1945-1950..

ladies n gentlemen..this are is a business centre or business distric..ladies n gentlemen u can emagin how busy this area..n thare is so many vehichles in jakarta..
there is 2.2 milion privet car
3.3milion motorccyle
600 public transportation
500 loris..
n in jakarta use made car from japanese its about 75% n european 25% made car..japanesa made care is cheaper than european made car..

ladies n gentlemen..on your right,you cah see sahid hotel..its one of the biggest national hotel in jakarta..standard of qualification is 3 stars..n this hotel have 670 rooms..
on your right,you cah see bus way..bus way or we call it tarnsjakarta or tije..tije operated in 2004 by our ex gubernur sutiyoso,when he visited bogota, colombia..

n you can see on your right,it is sudirman statue..

well ladies n gentlemen..there is no meeting without farewell..n this tour has to be ended..i hope that all off you gaining knowlage n experiences about jakata..dont forget to check your personal belongongs,before stepping down from this bus..please come to see me and jakarta in the near future,,
good bye everyone!!

akhirna g isa tanpa harus membaca,hoho!!!

doain ja g sukses yee besok n g isa dapet competent..soalna waktu g pra ujian kompetensi,g dapet begining competent..doakan yee!!


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